Preparation time: 15 minCooking time: 25 minCooling time: 5 min
Persons: 12Difficulty: LowCost: Low
These Chocolate Chip and Pomegranate Muffins are a good example of how you can experiment with ingredients and use season's best produce combined with your favourite flavours such as chocolate. The chocolate chips can be changed from white chunks to dark or milk chocolate bits. Usually red fruits are a great combination with white chocolate but anything is possible when you're preparing your muffin dough! This American English type of quick bread has endless varieties with blueberries, chocolate chips, raspberry, cinnamon, pumpkin, nut, lemon, banana, orange, peach, strawberry, boysenberry, almond, and carrot, all baked into the muffins. These Chocolate Chip and Pomegranate Muffins offer another great variety by adding the pomegranate arils to the muffin dough for some sweetness and a pop of color!
Cooking Tips:

Instead of adding dark chocolate chips you can use chunks of white chocolate, milk chocolate or any chocolate variety that you might prefer.

Use paper muffin cups for higher and more fluffy muffins because with the silicone ones, used in this recipe, the mixture tends to widen and not to climb upwards.

After the cooking time has passed let the muffins cool in the oven with the oven door open to avoid losing the height and the fluffiness of the muffins.

Store the muffins in a sealed box or place them in freezer bags and put them in the freezer. One freezer bag for each muffin.